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Spar Parts

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Spar Parts


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Router Duplicator

Router being used to almost final cut the part.  Not such good idea – wasted a lot of time on this.

This seemed like a good idea at the time.  I had picked up a ½ inch router sans any accessories, box or warranty from Bunning’s for $20 and already had the Trition work table.

Read an article in Airsports where the production process used an overhead router working on the part packed above the template that rode on a peg (aligned with the router bit) and though why not give it a try.

The concept was to use a piloted router bit to cut to the template,  I wrapped a couple of layers of electrical tape around the pilot bearing to give a little bit off extra to the edges beyond the template.  The idea being to file to final cut using the vixen file.  Issues encountered were:

  • Capturing the razor sharp swarf before it fell into the electrical innards of the router, the vacuum hood from my shop vac worked to some extent but made it hard to get close to the cleco’s.
  • Letting the paired up lamination slide easily on the table, the polyethylene feet worked ok, but it was still a bit jerky.
  • Kick back from the router “catching”
  • Lubricating the cutting edge, without it dribbling down into the electrical innards of the router.
  •  The noise made when routing aluminium is excruciating, I had my neighbours from more than a street away come and complain, cats screeched and dogs howled.


In retrospect not a good idea!


Drawings and Parts referenced: SNX-W02-05.

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Spar Parts


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Workshop Clean Up


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LA on the way Home

Had a couple of days between flights on the way home.  Landed at John Wayne International  (near Disneyland) from Chicago and stayed local (cheap Hoilday Inn) till my LAX departure.

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Oshkosh – 28th July 2007

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Oshkosh – 27th July 2007

A mid morning, lunch and afternoon down at the sea plane base was a great break from the hustle and bustle of the main show, snoozing on the grass next to the lake for a hour or so. 

Don’t miss a visit if you get to Oshkosh, in 2007 there was a bus running between the main event and a sea plane base every hour or so.

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